Inspirational Movies

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Featured top inspirational movies


Click (2006)

Top Inspirational Movies

I really thought I posted about this movie a while back. Turns out I didn't. This is more of a Hollywood type inspirational movie, but it's a great one.Check out Click on IMDBIt's a movie that you can watch again and again. It contains humor and also a very important life lesson: Don't fast forward your life!It seems that in today's world everyone is just desperately waiting for something for them to truly start living their life. Either waiting for the weekend to come so that they can relax a little bit, or for the next vacation, the next promotion, the next... something!People are constantly putting their life on hold... or.. trying to fast-forward through most of it to get to the 'good part'... Why not create a life in which you can have the 'good part' all the time? Why not enjoy everything in your life to the fullest ......

It’s A Wonderful Life (1946)

Motivational Movies

I've started looking in some older inspirational movies. This black & white movie really is a gem. You should check it out. An angel helps a compassionate but despairingly frustrated businessman by showing what life would have been like if he never existed.Here is the trailer:You could find it to rent it if you search for it, but I have also found it posted on YouTube. Check it out (the full movie):...

Peaceful Warrior

Peaceful Warrior

Top Inspirational Movies

Peaceful Warrior is one of the top inspirational movies that I've seen in my life.This is actually based on the novel Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman, which he claims to be is a part-fictional, part-autobiographical book based upon his early life.The book, originally launched in 1980 has been a bestseller in many countries since its first publication.For those who don't have the time to read a book, then this inspirational movie is the next best thing.Watch the trailer and convince yourself: Read More ...

Watch this inspirational movie every morning

Inspirational Videos

Here is a great inspirational video that you can watch every morning to get you started for your day and keep you motivated throughout. I love this one. Check it out! "Rise and shine. For you, the laws of physics are merely a suggestion... It is all up to you now. So rise and shine!"...

Art Williams – Simply Do It

January, 3rd, 2017,Inspirational Videos, No Comments

This is a longer inspirational video on the topic of business, about 20 minutes, but really worth it.
Here is Art Williams’s famous speech – do it.
Check it out.

Create Your Truth

December, 20th, 2016,Inspirational Videos, No Comments

This video talks about “buying the right lies”.
It illustrates how some people look at successful people and compare themselves with who those successful people became, not who they were.
That’s not a good comparison. You cannot compare the start of a race with the end of the race, not that it would be a race.
But if you look at many successful people, many were probably in a far worse situation when they started, than many people.
Not being like “them” after they’ve “made it” is a bad comparison and it only creates excuses.

Don’t look for easy

December, 6th, 2016,Inspirational Videos, No Comments

This is something that happens a lot.
Many people want to find the easiest way to do things, the easiest way to achieve something. The cheapest solution.
They believe this wouldn’t cost them so much.
But many times, the easiest way costs way more than the harder way.

Let’s take for example people who want to be rich. The easiest way is to buy a lottery ticket and wait to win.
It’s so easy to do that, yet so ineffective.
And many people wait their whole lives away by wanting to take the “Easy route”.
When they could invest that same time, into something that they can control.
In this regard, the hard way is actually easier than the easy way.

Take a look at this next inspirational video.

Opening Your Own Gym

September, 9th, 2016,Inspirational Videos, No Comments

Another inspirational video of success. This time about a guy wanting to desperately open his own gym.
Watch his story as he’s talking about the struggles he went through to open his gym and keep it.
Watch how he talks about the mental game – how he needed to defeat self doubt in order to succeed.
If self doubt would had succeeded, he would had failed.

Ferrari at 17 – No Excuses

September, 6th, 2016,Inspirational Videos, No Comments

Here is an inspirational video that will make you think “what the heck have I been doing with my life?”

Here is a 17 year old who owns a Ferrari. And not only that, but other cars as well. And not by getting them from his parents. No!
But by making his own money.
At an early age his family struggled. So he and his brother made a lemonade stand. He started learning the ins and outs of a business from an early age. Learning important life lessons from an early age.
Then he moved on to buying and selling items for a profit.
After that… well.. I’ll let you watch the video where he explains his story.

It’s important to take away from this video that he didn’t let his age stop him. While other people have become experts at making excuses for why they cannot succeed with minor things, this young man left all excuses to the side, and focused on getting things done.