Inspirational Movies

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Featured top inspirational movies


Click (2006)

Top Inspirational Movies

I really thought I posted about this movie a while back. Turns out I didn't. This is more of a Hollywood type inspirational movie, but it's a great one.Check out Click on IMDBIt's a movie that you can watch again and again. It contains humor and also a very important life lesson: Don't fast forward your life!It seems that in today's world everyone is just desperately waiting for something for them to truly start living their life. Either waiting for the weekend to come so that they can relax a little bit, or for the next vacation, the next promotion, the next... something!People are constantly putting their life on hold... or.. trying to fast-forward through most of it to get to the 'good part'... Why not create a life in which you can have the 'good part' all the time? Why not enjoy everything in your life to the fullest ......

It’s A Wonderful Life (1946)

Motivational Movies

I've started looking in some older inspirational movies. This black & white movie really is a gem. You should check it out. An angel helps a compassionate but despairingly frustrated businessman by showing what life would have been like if he never existed.Here is the trailer:You could find it to rent it if you search for it, but I have also found it posted on YouTube. Check it out (the full movie):...

Peaceful Warrior

Peaceful Warrior

Top Inspirational Movies

Peaceful Warrior is one of the top inspirational movies that I've seen in my life.This is actually based on the novel Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman, which he claims to be is a part-fictional, part-autobiographical book based upon his early life.The book, originally launched in 1980 has been a bestseller in many countries since its first publication.For those who don't have the time to read a book, then this inspirational movie is the next best thing.Watch the trailer and convince yourself: Read More ...

Watch this inspirational movie every morning

Inspirational Videos

Here is a great inspirational video that you can watch every morning to get you started for your day and keep you motivated throughout. I love this one. Check it out! "Rise and shine. For you, the laws of physics are merely a suggestion... It is all up to you now. So rise and shine!"...

The Meaning of Row Your Boat

August, 15th, 2016,Inspirational Videos, No Comments

Youtuber Prince EA, again offers more motivation. This time he is inspired by the “Row Row Row Your Boat” song to deliver an interesting message that hides behind it’s meaning.
Check it out.

3 Signs That You Will Become Rich One Day

August, 14th, 2016,Inspirational Videos, No Comments

“Success is determined by the amount of uncertainty that you can comfortably handle.” -Anthony Robbins
Here’s a quick inspirational video for those people who want to achieve financial freedom. 3 Tips to get there:
1) Speed of Implementation
2) Gain The Ability to Take Action Even When Feeling Uncertain
3) Value Your Time

Aaron Marino’s Darkest Days

August, 13th, 2016,Inspirational Videos, No Comments

Here is Youtuber Aaron Marino (Alpha M.) talking about his struggles in life before he started being a successful image consultant and Youtuber.
It’s always inspiring to hear how people get over their shortcoming, their failures and keep on trying until they succeed.
Many people might see a video about some celebrity and imagine that all their life was great, that they are lucky, that they never struggled, that they always knew what to do. But this ain’t so. Because behind every successful person there are probably years of struggle, years of taking action and making mistakes until that “over night” success appears. An overnight success requires 10 years.
Check it out and be inspired.

Fear Is Stopping You

August, 12th, 2016,Inspirational Videos, No Comments

Fear is stopping you more than failure could ever will.
Fear is something that stops people from taking action. From doing the things they want to do.
Fear is the worst enemy.
If you don’t stop fear, fear will stop you.

Self Esteem Talk with AdannaDavid

August, 12th, 2016,Inspirational Videos, No Comments

Here Youtuber AdannaDavid is giving quite an inspirational talk about self esteem.

A lot of people value their self esteem too much based on other, external things, when self esteem is internal and should come from within.
Check out what Adanna has to say on the topic in this video: