Opening Your Own Gym
Another inspirational video of success. This time about a guy wanting to desperately open his own gym.
Watch his story as he’s talking about the struggles he went through to open his gym and keep it.
Watch how he talks about the mental game – how he needed to defeat self doubt in order to succeed.
If self doubt would had succeeded, he would had failed.
Ferrari at 17 – No Excuses
Here is an inspirational video that will make you think “what the heck have I been doing with my life?”
Here is a 17 year old who owns a Ferrari. And not only that, but other cars as well. And not by getting them from his parents. No!
But by making his own money.
At an early age his family struggled. So he and his brother made a lemonade stand. He started learning the ins and outs of a business from an early age. Learning important life lessons from an early age.
Then he moved on to buying and selling items for a profit.
After that… well.. I’ll let you watch the video where he explains his story.
It’s important to take away from this video that he didn’t let his age stop him. While other people have become experts at making excuses for why they cannot succeed with minor things, this young man left all excuses to the side, and focused on getting things done.
How FOUSEY became a millionaire at 23
Here is Youtuber Fousey talking about how he became a millionaire at 23 by being a Youtuber, making funny videos and things like that.
It isn’t about how he did it, it’s about his beliefs. His mindset is aligned with the Law Of Attraction mindset, and whether you’re believing in that or not, the most important thing to take out of his story, and probably every other millionaire’s story is BELIEF.
Believe in yourself, believe that you can make it… and you will work at it until you do.
Don’t allow doubt to take rent-space into your mind.
Finished, not perfect
This is something that many creators struggle with. Whether they’re classic creators doing art, paintings, drawings to modern creators who make video, write articles, making a photo album, writing a novel or even creating YouTube videos.
The same struggle is common to all: perfectionism.
Many don’t even start doing what they wish they want to do because they don’t feel prepared yet, they don’t think they can make it perfect.
And too many don’t finish what they started because it isn’t perfect enough.
Perfectionism is what keeps people back, it’s what makes people procrastinate, it’s what keep wonderful ideas… stuck inside someone’s mind… never to be brought forth into the world.
It’s important for a thing to be done well, yes, but it doesn’t need to be perfect. Because perfection is hardly achieved, it might not even exist. Perfection means not getting things done. And it’s better to get something done, than not having it ever done.
Anything worth doing, is worth doing badly… at first.
What Can a 80-Year-Old Man DO?
Many people give up on their lives at 40 years old. They stop having dreams, they stop chasing them. And if they didn’t even start because of fears, the regret is even more painful.
Watch this inspirational video about this 80-year-old man, who still has dreams, who still has goals and who still is chasing them.
Age doesn’t stop him, and neither should it stop you.
And here is a documentary about him that I’ve found on YouTube.